
Hotel offers in Çeşme

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453 accommodations available
Hotel Sea
A 7.18 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This simple hotel is located in Cesme. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Kadagan Suites Ayasaranda
A 2.64 km from the centre
1 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Aymesev Tas Otel
A 3.00 km from the centre
New at Amimir
Located in Cesme, Aymesev Tas Hotel is within a 15-minute drive of Cesme Marina and Altinkum Beach. This hotel is 6.8 mi (10.8 km) from Ilica Beach and 1.9 mi (3.1 km) from Cesme Castle. With an outdoor pool and free Wi-Fi Internet connection, among many other benefits, here you will have everything you need. There is free self car park available. A free typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 08:00 to 11:30. You will feel at home in any of the 13 bedrooms with air conditioning and LCD TV. In your spare time you will have a television with satellite channels to entertain you. Private bathrooms with showers have rainfall showerheads and hair dryers. Conveniences include housekeeping available daily, as well as the ability to request an iron/ironing board. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its restaurant service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Cesmeli Boutique Hotel
A 3.42 km from the centre
4 Reviews
With a stay at Cesmeli Boutique Hotel in Cesme, you'll be within a 15-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Dalyan Marina. This family-friendly hotel is 2.1 mi (3.3 km) from Cesme Marina and 4.3 mi (6.9 km) from Boyalık Beach. With a seasonal outdoor pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace and garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. Free Wi-Fi Internet access, concierge services, and on-site shops are also offered. With the free beach shuttle, you'll be soaking up the sun in no time. You will have free newspapers in the lobby, dry cleaning, and a 24-hour front desk service available. For a small fee you can take advantage of benefits such as a round-holiday airport shuttle service (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. At Cesmeli Boutique Hotel you have a restaurant available to eat something. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. Put the icing on the cake to a fantastic day with a drink at the bar/lounge or at the poolside bar. A free continental breakfast is offered on weekdays from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 12 bedrooms with minibar (with some free items) and LCD TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Bathbedrooms have showers, rainfall showerheads, and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include a phone and blackout drapes, plus housekeeping available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its restaurant service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Cielo Limon Butik Otel
A 14.88 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Cielo Limon Butik Otel in Çesme (Hacımemiş), you'll be within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Pazaryeri Mosque. This hotel is 0.5 mi (0.8 km) from Alacatı Bazaar and 4.3 mi (6.9 km) from Boyalık Beach. With an outdoor swimming pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. Free Wi-Fi Internet connection and concierge services are also offered. You will have dry cleaning, a 24-hour front desk service, and coffee or tea in main areas available. Airport shuttle service (round holiday) is offered for a fee (available 24 hours). At Cielo Limon Butik Otel you have a restaurant available to eat something. Put the icing on the cake to a fantastic day with a drink at the bar/lounge or at the poolside bar. You will feel at home in any of the 10 bedrooms with air conditioning and LCD TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; you can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Private bathrooms with showers are stocked with free toiletries and hair dryers. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Asha Alaçati
A 8.64 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Anit Konak
A 14.62 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Anıt Konak in Çesme, you'll be on the Sholiday, within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Pazaryeri Mosque. This hotel is 0.4 mi (0.6 km) from Alacati Bazaar and 4.9 mi (7.9 km) from Boyalik Beach. With an outdoor swimming pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace and garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. Free Wi-Fi Internet access, concierge services, and a shared lounge are also provided. There is free self car park available. In Anıt Konak you have a snack bar or delicatessen available. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A free typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 09:00 to 13:00. You will feel at home in any of the 10 bedrooms with different decorations, equipped with minibar and LED TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; you can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Bathbedrooms have showers, designer toiletries, and hair dryers. Conveniences include a desk and an electric kettle, while housekeeping is available upon request. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Fizzio Alacati Hotel
A 9.85 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Fizzio Alacati Hotel in Çesme (Tokoglu), you'll be within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Oasis Water Park. This hotel is 0.6 mi (1 km) from Alacatı Bazaar and 3.7 mi (5.9 km) from Boyalık Beach. With an outdoor swimming pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. You will have express check-in, dry cleaning, and a 24-hour front desk available. There is free self car park available. In Fizzio Alacati Hotel you have a restaurant available to eat something. A free typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 to 12:00. You will feel at home in any of the 25 bedrooms with air conditioning and LCD television. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; you can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The bathroom is equipped with a shower and a hairdryer. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Mavi Inci Pansiyon
A 603 m from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Mavi Inci Pansiyon in Çesme, you'll be within a 15-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Çesme Open Air Theatre. This pension is 0.4 mi (0.7 km) from Cesme Marina and 3.3 mi (5.3 km) from Boyalık Beach. With a terrace and garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you won't lack for anything! You will feel at home in any of the 10 bedrooms with air conditioning and LCD TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The private bathroom with a shower has a rainfall showerhead and slippers. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Vadi Boutique Otel
A 5.21 km from the centre
8 Reviews
A stay at Vadi Boutique Hotel places you in the heart of Cesme, a 4-minute drive from Dalyan Marina and 5 minutes from Kocakari Beach. This hotel is 7 mi (11 km) from Ilica Beach and 8.6 mi (12.6 km) from Alacati Bazaar. With a seasonal outdoor pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You will also find free Wi-Fi Internet connection and concierge services. You will have express check-out and a 24-hour front desk service available. Free valet car park is available. Take advantage of the 24-hour room service at this hotel. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A free à la carte breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. You will feel at home in any of the 38 bedrooms with minibar and LCD TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; you can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The private bathroom with a shower is stocked with free toiletries and slippers. Conveniences include a safe, free bottle of water, and a phone. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Ala Da Vinci Hotel
A 44.92 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Lavender Otel
A 311 m from the centre
13 Reviews
With a stay at Lavender Otel, you'll be centrally located in Çesme, within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Agios Haralambos Church. This bed & breakfast is 0.4 mi (0.7 km) from Cesme Marina and 2.8 mi (4.5 km) from Boyalık Beach. With a terrace on the roof and a garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you will not lack for anything! You will have a 24-hour reception service, multilingual attention, and laundry available. This bed and breakfast offers you 2 cafeterias if you want to take a breather, although you can also enjoy a delicious meal in Teras. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 9:30 to 11:30 at an additional cost. You will feel at home in any of the 20 bedrooms with air conditioning and LED TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The bathroom is equipped with a shower and a hairdryer. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Sa'Rezya Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa
A 5.40 km from the centre
15 Reviews
This charming hotel is in Cesme. Those who wish to escape the hustle and bustle of daily routine will find rest and tranquility in this accommodation. SA'REZYA HOTEL has Wi-Fi connection in its facilities. Clients can contact the reception at any time of the day. The car park can be useful for those arriving by car. Travelers can find the balance between body and soul in the health and wellness facilities of the accommodation. People traveling on business can use the services and facilities for companies. The accommodation may charge the amount of some of these services. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Eflin Haus Butik Hotel
A 0 m from the centre
4 Reviews
This comfortable hotel is in Cesme. Visitors will enjoy a calm and peaceful stay in the facilities, since it has a total of 5 bedrooms. There is Wi-Fi connection to offer greater well-being and comfort. Unfortunately, the reception is not open 24 hours a day. Eflin Haus Historical Place and Monument has a shuttle service to ensure guests' convenience. This hotel has conference facilities. Guests will delight in the tasty food served on the accommodation. Additional fees may apply for some of these services. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Saatli Hotel
A 1.28 km from the centre
4 Reviews
With a stay at Saatli Hotel in Çesme, you'll be within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Çesme Open Air Theatre. This hotel is 1.5 mi (2.4 km) from Cesme Marina and 2.6 mi (4.2 km) from Boyalık Beach. With a seasonal outdoor pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace on the roof and a garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. You will also find free Wi-Fi Internet connection, a television in the common area and a party room. You will have express check-in, express check-out, and free newspapers in the lobby available. Airport shuttle service (round holiday) is offered for a fee (available 24 hours). Take advantage of the 24-hour room service at this hotel. A free breakfast buffet is offered daily from 8:00 to 10:30. You will feel at home in any of the 30 bedrooms with air conditioning, minibar and LED TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Private bathrooms with showers are stocked with free toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include safes, fans, and telephones. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Bo Boutique Hotel Alacati
A 10.72 km from the centre
9 Reviews
With a stay at Bo Boutique Hotel Alacati in Çesme (Hacımemiş), you'll be within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Alaçatı Bazaar. This hotel is 4.1 mi (6.6 km) from Boyalık Beach and 9.7 mi (15.8 km) from Cesme Marina. This hotel has spaces for smokers. You will have free newspapers in the lobby, dry cleaning, and laundry facilities available. There is free self car park available. A free full breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 8 air-conditioned bedrooms. The bathroom is equipped with a shower. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Melekaki Alacati
A 14.41 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Melekaki Alacati in Çesme (Tokoglu), you'll be within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Alaçatı Bazaar. This hotel is 3.9 mi (6.1 km) from Boyalık Beach and 9.1 mi (14.8 km) from Cesme Marina. With an outdoor swimming pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. The reception has a limited timetable. There is free self car park available. A free full breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 9 bedrooms with air conditioning, minibar and LCD TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The bathroom is equipped with a shower and a hairdryer. Conveniences include a free bottle of water, plus housekeeping available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
The Local House Alacati
A 8.20 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Rasim Palas
A 7.47 km from the centre
12 Reviews
With a stay at Rasim Palas in Çesme, you'll be on the beach, a 4-minute walk from Ilica Beach and less than a 5-minute drive from Aqua Toy City. This beach hotel is 2 mi (3.2 km) from Alacatı Bazaar and 2.2 mi (3.6 km) from Boyalık Beach. Relax in the full spa, which offers massages. It also offers free Wi-Fi Internet connection, concierge services, and wedding services. You will have free newspapers in the lobby, dry cleaning, and a 24-hour front desk service available. Are you organizing an event in Çesme? This hotel has 84 square meters of space consisting of conference space and a meeting room. In this hotel you have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A free à la carte breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM. You will feel at home in any of the 24 air-conditioned bedrooms. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Private bathrooms are stocked with free toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include a safe, turndown service, and telephone. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Enso Alaçati
A 14.45 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This cozy hotel is located in Cesme. This pleasant establishment guarantees a peaceful stay, as it only has 10 bedrooms. Travelers will be able to connect to Wi-Fi throughout the building. People staying at this establishment have a 24-hour reception. Enso Alacati has car park. People staying at Enso Alacati will be able to try the different catering services. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Mes Mudita
A 2.21 km from the centre
4 Reviews
This pleasant hotel is located in Cesme. There are a total of 16 bedrooms available to customers. The establishment also has free Wi-Fi. In addition, the establishment offers a reception service throughout the day. There is car park available to customers. Some of these Mes Mudita services may be paid for. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Mon Amour Alacati
A 14.31 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Mon Amour Alacati, you'll be centrally located in Çesme, a 1-minute drive from Alacati Bazaar and 8 minutes from Ilica Beach. This hotel is 3.1 mi (5 km) from Alacati Marina and 3.9 mi (6.3 km) from Aqua Toy City Water Park. You have a garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. You will have a 24-hour front desk service and coffee or tea in main areas available. There is free self car park available. In this hotel you have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A free typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 to 11:30. You will feel at home in any of the 23 bedrooms. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Ensuite bathrooms with shower/tub combinations have rainfall showerheads and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include a safe and desk, plus housekeeping is available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Ruhe Alacati
A 8.76 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Levia Hotel
A 9.40 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Levia Hotel in Cesme, you'll be within a 5-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Oasis Water Park. This hotel is 1.6 mi (2.6 km) from Alacatı Bazaar and 3.4 mi (5.4 km) from Boyalık Beach. With an outdoor swimming pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. Other services at this hotel include free wireless Internet access, concierge services, and a barbecue area. You will have free newspapers in the lobby, dry cleaning, and a 24-hour front desk service available. Free valet car park is available. In this hotel you have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A free full breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 30 bedrooms. Conveniences include an iron/ironing board and blackout drapes, plus housekeeping is available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Selavi Hotel
A 14.91 km from the centre
4 Reviews
This hotel isn't available

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