
Hotel offers in Çeşme

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453 accommodations available
Alacati Ekmas Hotel
A 14.28 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Alacati Ekmas Hotel in Çesme (Hacımemiş), you'll be within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Pazaryeri Mosque. This hotel is 0.7 mi (1.1 km) from Alacati Bazaar and 4.7 mi (7.5 km) from Boyalik Beach. With a terrace where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection and a television in the common area, you will not lack for anything! You will have free newspapers in the lobby and a 24-hour front desk service available. There is free self car park available. Take advantage of this hotel's room service with limited hours. You will feel at home in any of the 12 bedrooms with minibar and LCD TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Bathroom has a shower, a rainfall showerhead, and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include a safe and desk, plus housekeeping is available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Royal Cesme Hotel
A 10.50 km from the centre
New at Amimir
When you stay at Royal Cesme Hotel - Adults Only in Cesme, you'll be near the beach, within a 15-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Cesme Marina. This hotel is 15 mi (24.1 km) from Altinkum Beach and 1 mi (1.7 km) from Oasis Water Park. Don't miss recreational facilities like a wellness center or a seasonal outdoor pool: you'll have a great time! It also offers free Wi-Fi Internet connection and a television in the common area. You will have a 24-hour front desk service, laundry facilities, and an elevator available. There is free self car park available. Try a delicious dinner at the restaurant of this hotel. If you don't feel like going out, you also have room service available with limited hours. Enjoy your favourite drink at the bar/lounge or at the poolside bar. A free breakfast buffet is offered daily from 8:00 to 11:00. You will feel at home in any of the 17 bedrooms with minibar and LED TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Private bathrooms are stocked with free toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include a safe and desk, plus housekeeping is available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Kalipso Motel
A 5.17 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
La Mira Suites
A 10.21 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at La Mira Suites Alacati in Çesme, you'll be within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Alacati Bazaar. This hotel is 3.9 mi (6.2 km) from Boyalık Beach and 5.7 mi (9.4 km) from Cesme Marina. With an outdoor swimming pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace and garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. You will also find free Wi-Fi Internet connection and concierge services. You will have dry cleaning, a 24-hour front desk, and multilingual staff available. For a small fee, you can take advantage of benefits such as a paid round-holiday airport shuttle service and free valet car park. Take advantage of the 24-hour room service at this hotel. Quench your thirst with your favourite drink at the bar or lounge. You will feel at home in any of the 14 bedrooms with air conditioning and LCD TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The bathroom is equipped with a shower and slippers. Conveniences include blackout drapes, plus housekeeping available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Aral Turkuaz Butik Hotel
A 7.54 km from the centre
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This hotel isn't available
Cesme Marin Butik Otel
A 829 m from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Cesme Marin Butik Otel in Çesme, you'll be within a 15-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Çesme Marina. This hotel is 5.1 mi (8.3 km) from Altinkum Beach and 0.2 mi (0.4 km) from Cesme Castle. With a garden where you can relax and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection and tourist assistance (ticket purchase), you won't lack for anything! You will have dry cleaning or laundry, a 24-hour front desk service, and luggage storage available. Airport shuttle service (round holiday) is offered for a fee. At Cesme Marin Butik Otel you have a restaurant available, or the possibility of buying something to eat at its snack-bar or delicatessen. Quench your thirst with your favourite drink at the bar or lounge. You will feel at home in any of the 10 bedrooms with air conditioning, refrigerator and LCD TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Private bathrooms have free toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include a phone, plus housekeeping is available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Alaçati Villa Sunset Boutique Hotel
A 7.05 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Venüs Park Apart Suites
A 3.47 km from the centre
1 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Nuriye Alacati
A 14.45 km from the centre
4 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Yerli Otel Alacati
A 14.29 km from the centre
18 Reviews
With a stay at Yerli Otel Alacati in Çesme (Tokoglu), you'll be a 1-minute drive from Alacati Bazaar and 5 minutes from Aqua Toy City. This inn is 3.4 mi (5.4 km) from Alacati Marina and 4.1 mi (6.6 km) from Boyalık Beach. With an outdoor swimming pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. Other services at this inn include free Wi-Fi Internet connection, concierge services, and a television in the common area. You will have free newspapers in the lobby, dry cleaning, and a 24-hour front desk service available. For a small fee, you can take advantage of benefits such as paid airport shuttle service and free self car park. Try delicious dishes without leaving this inn, which has a restaurant and offers room service with limited hours. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. Put the icing on the cake to a fantastic day with a drink at the bar/lounge or at the poolside bar. The free full breakfast is offered on weekdays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, while Saturday and Sunday hours are from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. You will feel at home in any of the 19 bedrooms with air conditioning and LCD TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Bathbedrooms include showers, rainfall showerheads, and designer toiletries. Conveniences include a safe, free bottle of water, and a phone. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its restaurant service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
June Hotel
A 8.14 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Alacati Acelia Hotel
A 9.72 km from the centre
4 Reviews
When you stay at Alacati Acelia Hotel in Cesme, you'll be near the beach, within a 15-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Cesme Marina. This hotel is 10.7 mi (17.3 km) from Altinkum Beach and 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Oasis Water Park. With a terrace and garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you won't lack for anything! You will have free newspapers in the lobby, a 24-hour front desk and coffee or tea in public areas available. There is free self car park available. Try delicious dishes without leaving this hotel, which has a restaurant and offers room service with limited hours. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. Quench your thirst with your favourite drink at the bar or lounge. A free full breakfast is offered daily from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Enjoy a pleasant stay in one of the 48 bedrooms with LCD television. The bedrooms have patios. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The bathroom is equipped with a shower and a hairdryer. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Alesya Butik Otel
A 2.26 km from the centre
16 Reviews
With a stay at Alesya Butik Otel in Çesme, you'll be on the beach, within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Çesme Marina. This beach hotel is 4 mi (6.5 km) from Altinkum Beach and 4.5 mi (7.3 km) from Boyalık Beach. With a garden where you can relax and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you won't lack for anything! There is free self car park available. A free continental breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Enjoy a pleasant stay in one of the 20 bedrooms with LCD television. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The bathroom is equipped with a shower and slippers. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Elda Alacati Boutique Hotel
A 14.45 km from the centre
20 Reviews
With a stay at Elda Alacati Boutique Hotel in Cesme (Tokoglu), you'll be within a 5-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Pazaryeri Mosque. This hotel is 0.7 mi (1.2 km) from Alacatı Bazaar and 4.2 mi (6.8 km) from Boyalık Beach. With a seasonal outdoor pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace and garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. It also offers free Wi-Fi Internet connection, concierge services and a television in the common area. You will have dry cleaning, a 24-hour front desk service, and luggage storage available. For a small fee, you can take advantage of benefits such as paid airport shuttle service and free self car park. If you're hungry, stop by this hotel's restaurant, which serves lunch and dinner, or call in for room service during limited hours. Enjoy your favourite drink at the bar/lounge or at the poolside bar. You will feel at home in any of the 11 bedrooms with minibar. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Private bathrooms with showers have rainfall showerheads and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include a desk, as well as housekeeping available daily and the ability to request an iron/ironing board. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
On'Live Hotel
A 6.17 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This luxurious hotel is in Cesme. The hotel is made up of 73 comfortable bedrooms in total. On'Live Hotel has Wi-Fi connection in its facilities. The reception is open all day. This accommodation is aware that accessibility for all customers is essential. For this reason, it has accessible bedrooms and fully adapted accesses. All the people who stay in this accommodation and go by car can park their vehicle in the car park areas. People staying at this accommodation can use the airport transfer service. The residence's offer in health and wellness guarantees the ultimate in rejuvenation and relaxation. This accommodation has the necessary services and facilities to guarantee the success of any business event. The dining room serves exquisite meals in an elegant atmosphere. Some of these services may be subject to additional charges. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Karyada Hotel
A 14.55 km from the centre
5 Reviews
With a stay at Karyada Hotel in Çesme (Tokoglu), you'll be within a 5-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Alaçatı Bazaar. This hotel is 4 mi (6.5 km) from Boyalık Beach and 5.9 mi (9.5 km) from Cesme Marina. With a seasonal outdoor pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace and garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. You will have dry cleaning and a 24-hour front desk service available. There is free self car park available. You will feel at home in any of the 20 bedrooms with air conditioning, minibar and flat screen TV. Rooms have a balcony or patio. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The bathroom is equipped with a bathtub or shower. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Deruni Butik Hotel
A 6.95 km from the centre
6 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
AlaBora Boutique Hotel
A 9.80 km from the centre
16 Reviews
Located in Çesme (Tokoglu), AlaBora Hotel - Alaçatı is within a 15-minute walk of Alaçatı Bazaar and Oasis Water Park. This hotel is 1.8 mi (2.9 km) from Ilica Beach and 2.7 mi (4.3 km) from Aqua Toy City. Choose from the many recreational facilities offered, including a seasonal outdoor pool and rental bicycles. It also offers free wireless Internet access, concierge services and a lobby with a fireplace. You will have a 24-hour reception service, multilingual attention, and luggage storage available. For a small fee you can take advantage of benefits such as a round-holiday airport shuttle service (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. Try delicious dishes without leaving this hotel, which has a restaurant and offers room service with limited hours. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A free continental breakfast is offered daily from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 10 bedrooms with different decorations, equipped with minibar and flat screen TV. Rest like never before in a bed with a down duvet and Egyptian cotton sheets. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Private bathrooms with showers have rainfall showerheads and designer toiletries. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Dem Butik Otel Alaçati
A 13.80 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This pleasant hotel is located in Cesme. Pan Alaçatı guarantees a peaceful stay as it only has 9 bedrooms. There is Wi-Fi connection to offer greater well-being and comfort. The accommodation ski offers a 24-hour reception. Business visitors can take advantage of the accommodation's business facilities. Some of these services may be subject to additional charges. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Alacati Aura Plus
A 14.23 km from the centre
3 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Life Point Boutique Hotel
A 4.62 km from the centre
New at Amimir
Headline : Near Çesme Marina Location: Located in Cesme, Life Point Boutique Hotel is within a 5-minute drive of Cesme Marina and Cesme Castle. This beach hotel is 7.3 mi (11.8 km) from Ilica Beach and 8.4 mi (13.4 km) from Alacati Bazaar. Rooms : You will feel at home in any of the 26 bedrooms with air conditioning and LCD television. Rooms have a balcony or patio. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. The private bathroom with a shower is stocked with free toiletries and slippers. Food: You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the room service with limited hours of this hotel. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. Put the icing on the cake to a fantastic day with a drink at the bar/lounge or at the poolside bar. A free full breakfast is offered daily from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Ticket instructions: A surcharge may apply for each additional person, depending on the accommodation's policy. Upon arrival, they may ask you for a government-issued photo ID and a credit or debit card, or a cash deposit, to cover incidentals. Special requests are not guaranteed and are subject to availability upon arrival and may incur an additional charge. Have everything ready: check the latest travel requirements and measures for COVID-19 that are in force in this destination before you travel. andnbsp; Disclaimer notification: Services are subject to availability and may be chargeable as per the hotel policy. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its restaurant service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Lilyum Alaçati-Tas Ev
A 14.79 km from the centre
12 Reviews
With a stay at Lilyum Alaçatı Butik Otel in Çesme (Hacımemiş), you'll be within a 5-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Pazaryeri Mosque. This hotel is 0.3 mi (0.5 km) from Alacatı Bazaar and 4.3 mi (7 km) from Boyalık Beach. With a terrace and garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you won't lack for anything! You will have a 24-hour reception service, multilingual attention, and luggage storage available. At Lilyum Alaçatı Butik Otel you have a snack bar or delicatessen available. A free continental breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. You will feel at home in any of the 6 differently decorated bedrooms. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Private bathrooms with showers are stocked with free toiletries and hair dryers. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Rhodium Hotel
A 14.04 km from the centre
3 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Fontana Hotel Fener
A 3.17 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Fontana Hotel in Cesme, you'll be within a 10-minute drive of Ilica Beach and Cesme Marina. This hotel is 3.9 mi (6.1 km) from Altinkum Beach and 4.3 mi (7 km) from BoyalIk Beach. With a seasonal outdoor pool and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace and garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. Other services at this hotel include concierge services, wedding services, and a television in the common area. You will have free newspapers in the lobby, luggage storage, and coffee or tea in public areas available. There is free self car park available. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the room service with limited hours of this hotel. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. Enjoy your favourite drink at the bar/lounge or at the poolside bar. A self-service breakfast is offered daily from 9:00 to 11:00 at an additional cost. You will feel at home in any of the 8 bedrooms with different decorations, equipped with minibar and LED TV. The bedrooms have balconies. The bathroom is equipped with a shower. Conveniences include a desk and blackout drapes, plus housekeeping available only on weekdays. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Dali Boutique Hotel
A 2.16 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available

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