
Hotel offers in Asuán

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77 accommodations available
Nubanile Hotel
A 1.68 km from the centre
New at Amimir
Located in Aswan, Nubanile Hotel is within a 15-minute walk of Feryal Garden and Aswan Bazaar. This hotel is 1.9 mi (3 km) from Nubian Museum and 1.9 mi (3.1 km) from Elephantine Island.. Choose from the many recreational facilities offered, including an outdoor pool and a 24-hour fitness center. Other services at this hotel include wireless Internet access (for a fee), concierge services, and a souvenir shop. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Happi Hotel
A 779 m from the centre
130 Reviews
With a stay at Hapi Hotel, you'll be centrally located in Aswan, just a 5-minute walk from Aswan Bazaar and 10 minutes by foot from Feryal Garden. This hotel is 1.1 mi (1.8 km) from Nubian Museum and 1.3 mi (2.1 km) from Kitchener's Island. Take advantage of the practical services that are offered to you, such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, concierge services or wedding celebration services. You will have dry cleaning or laundry, a 24-hour front desk service, and multilingual staff available. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the 24-hour room service of this hotel. A free continental breakfast is offered daily from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 65 bedrooms with minibar. In your spare time you will have a television with satellite channels to entertain you. Bathroom has bathtub or shower and free toiletries. Conveniences include a telephone and a safe, plus housekeeping is available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Princess Amira Aswan Hotel
A 7.66 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Hadouta Masreya
A 12.31 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This modest guest house is located in Aswan. There is also wireless internet connection in main areas. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Shehrazad Nile Floating Hotel
A 2.85 km from the centre
2 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Nuba Narty
A 2.87 km from the centre
1 Reviews
With a stay at Nuba Narty in Aswan, you'll be on the riverfront, just a 5-minute drive from Nubian Museum and Elephantine Island. This beach guesthouse is 1.4 mi (2.3 km) from Unfinished Obelisk and 1.8 mi (2.9 km) from Aswan Bazaar. With a terrace and garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you won't lack for anything! It also offers concierge services, a souvenir shop and a barbecue area. You will have a 24-hour business center, dry cleaning or laundry, and a 24-hour front desk service available. For a small fee you can take advantage of benefits such as a round-holiday airport shuttle service (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. If you're hungry, stop by this guest house's restaurant, which serves lunch and dinner, or call for 24-hour room service. A free continental breakfast is offered daily from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM. You will feel at home in any of the 4 air-conditioned bedrooms. The bedrooms have patios. The bathroom has a shower and free toiletries. Conveniences include a separate seating area and blackout drapes, plus housekeeping available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Dahabeya Queen Farida
A 11.63 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Seko Kato Nile View
A 5.50 km from the centre
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This hotel isn't available
Citymax Hotel Aswan
A 1.67 km from the centre
109 Reviews
A stay at Citymax Hotel Aswan places you in the heart of Aswan, just steps from Feryal Garden and 7 minutes by foot from Aswan Bazaar. This hotel is 0.9 mi (1.5 km) from Kitchener's Island and 2 mi (3.2 km) from Nubian Museum. Enjoy a variety of recreational facilities, including a health club, an outdoor pool, and an indoor pool. It also offers free wireless Internet access, concierge services and a souvenir shop. You will have dry cleaning or laundry, a 24-hour front desk service, and luggage storage available. For a small fee, you can take advantage of benefits such as paid airport shuttle service and free self car park. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the 24-hour room service of this hotel. A buffet breakfast is offered daily from 6:30 to 10:30 for an additional charge. You will feel at home in any of the 79 bedrooms with air conditioning, refrigerator and flat screen TV. Rooms have a balcony or patio. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; you can also watch your favourite program on the TV with cable channels. Private bathrooms with bathtubs or showers are stocked with free toiletries and hair dryers. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Shater Nubian House
A 1.65 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Kato Dool Wellness Resort
A 12.31 km from the centre
180 Reviews
With a stay at Kato Dool Nubian House in Aswan, you'll be 7 mi (11 km) from Unfinished Obelisk and 7 mi (11.1 km) from Philae Temple. This beach guesthouse is 7.2 mi (11.7 km) from Nubian Museum and 7.3 mi (11.8 km) from Elephantine Island. You will feel like new thanks to the body treatments available. You also have a terrace and garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. Other services at this guest house include free Wi-Fi Internet access, a television in the common area, and tour assistance (ticketing). You will have free newspapers in the lobby, a 24-hour front desk, and multilingual staff available. For a small fee you can take advantage of benefits such as a round-holiday airport shuttle service (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the room service with limited hours of this guest house. Quench your thirst with your favourite drink at the bar or lounge. A free typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 08:00 to 10:00. You will feel at home in any of the 13 bedrooms with refrigerators. The bedrooms have balconies. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Bathbedrooms have showers, rainfall showerheads, and complimentary toiletries. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Ekadolli Nubian Guesthouse Aswan
A 11.13 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Colly Nubian House
A 2.87 km from the centre
New at Amimir
Located in Aswan, Colly Nubian House is within a 5-minute drive of Nubian Museum and Elephantine Island. This beach bed & breakfast is 1.4 mi (2.3 km) from Unfinished Obelisk and 1.7 mi (2.8 km) from Aswan Bazaar. With a rooftop terrace where you can relax and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet access and tour assistance (ticket purchase), you won't want for anything! You will have dry cleaning or laundry, a 24-hour front desk service, and luggage storage available. Airport shuttle service (round holiday) is offered for a fee (available 24 hours). If you're hungry, stop by this bed and breakfast's restaurant, which serves lunch and dinner, or call in for 24-hour room service. A free continental breakfast is offered daily from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 4 bedrooms with air conditioning and microwave. Take advantage of the shared kitchen to prepare your own meals. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; you can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Bathbedrooms include showers, free toiletries, and hair dryers. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
The Mango Guest House
A 1.78 km from the centre
117 Reviews
Located in Aswan, The Mango Guesthouse is a short walk from Kitchener's Island and 13 minutes by foot from Elephantine Island. This bed & breakfast is 0.7 mi (1.1 km) from Nubian Museum and 0.7 mi (1.1 km) from Aswan Bazaar. With a 24-hour wellness center and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace and garden where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. You'll also find free wireless Internet access, concierge services, and shops on site. You will have a business center, free newspapers in the lobby, and dry cleaning/laundry services available. If you're hosting a meeting in Aswan, this bed and breakfast offers 60 square meters of event space. For a small fee, you can take advantage of benefits such as a round-holiday airport shuttle (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the 24-hour room service of this bed and breakfast. Enjoy a free welcome gift organized by the reception every day, where you can meet other guests over a bite to eat. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 8:00 to 11:00 at an additional cost. Enjoy a fabulous stay in one of the 3 individually furnished bedrooms, all equipped with private whirlpool tubs and flat-screen TVs. Rooms have a balcony or patio. Take advantage of the shared kitchen to prepare your own meals. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Anakato Nubian Houses
A 0 m from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Nubian Kingdom Aragheed House
A 5.24 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Nubian Kingdom Aragheed House in Aswan, you'll be a 10-minute walk from Tombs of the Nobles. This bed & breakfast is 4.4 mi (7.1 km) from Saint Simeon's Monastery and 4.5 mi (7.3 km) from Aga Khan Mausoleum. With a terrace on the roof and a garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you will not lack for anything! It also offers a television in the common area, a picnic area and a barbecue area. For a small fee, you can take advantage of benefits such as a round-holiday airport shuttle (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. In this bed and breakfast you have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something. A free continental breakfast is offered daily from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 5 bedrooms with air conditioning and microwave. Take advantage of the shared kitchen to prepare your own meals. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. The bathroom has a bathtub or shower and free toiletries. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Maghrabi's Guest House
A 0 m from the centre
24 Reviews
Located in Aswan, Maghrabi's Guest House is within a 5-minute drive of Aswan Bazaar and Unfinished Obelisk. This guesthouse is 1.4 mi (2.2 km) from Feryal Garden and 1.5 mi (2.4 km) from Nubian Museum. With a terrace and garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you won't lack for anything! Featured amenities include dry cleaning/laundry, a 24-hour front desk, and laundry facilities. For a small fee you can take advantage of benefits such as a round-holiday airport shuttle service (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the 24-hour room service of this guest house. A free continental breakfast is offered daily from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. An unforgettable stay awaits you in the 4 air-conditioned bedrooms, equipped with a fireplace. The bedrooms have patios. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Conveniences include a turndown service and fans, along with housekeeping available upon request. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Villa Misk
A 7.43 km from the centre
9 Reviews
With a stay at Villa Misk in Aswan, you'll be 3.9 mi (6.2 km) from Unfinished Obelisk and 3.9 mi (6.2 km) from Philae Temple. This hotel is 4.2 mi (6.8 km) from Philae and 4.3 mi (6.9 km) from Nubian Museum. With a terrace where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you will not lack for anything! You will have a 24-hour front desk service and coffee or tea in main areas available. For a small fee you can take advantage of benefits such as a shuttle service from the airport to the hotel (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the 24-hour room service of this hotel. A la carte breakfast is offered daily from 6:30 AM to 11:00 AM for an additional charge. You will feel at home in any of the 8 bedrooms with air conditioning and flat screen TV. Beds come with memory foam mattresses, down comforters, and Egyptian cotton sheets for a good night's rest. In your spare time you will have a television with satellite channels to entertain you. The bathroom is equipped with a shower. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Adad Noubian House
A 1.65 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Kendaka Nubian House
A 11.85 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Kendaka Nubian House in Aswan, you'll be 4.3 mi (7 km) from Philae and 6.6 mi (10.6 km) from Unfinished Obelisk. This hotel is 6.7 mi (10.8 km) from Philae Temple and 7.1 mi (11.3 km) from Nubian Museum. With a rooftop terrace where you can lounge and amenities like free Wi-Fi Internet connection and concierge services, you won't want for anything! You will have dry cleaning or laundry, a 24-hour front desk service, and multilingual staff available. Airport shuttle service (round holiday) is offered for a fee (available 24 hours). Try delicious dishes without leaving this hotel, which has a restaurant and offers 24-hour room service. A free typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 6:30 to 11:30. An unforgettable stay awaits you in the 9 air-conditioned bedrooms, equipped with a fireplace. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Conveniences include laptop-compatible safes and minibars, plus housekeeping is available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Sara Hotel Aswan
A 4.20 km from the centre
97 Reviews
The hotel offers a relaxed atmosphere with elegant bedrooms and private balconies. Guests can dine on the restaurant's terrace and enjoy the stunning sunsets, the hotel is ideal for business with a sophisticated conference room. The Sara Hotel Aswan offers a range of personalized services for customers, such as childcare/nanny services, travel agency, and currency exchange. Hotel facilities include laundry service, safe and terrace. There is a free shuttle bus available. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Battota Nubian Guest House
A 1.93 km from the centre
3 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Cleopatra Assuan
A 807 m from the centre
New at Amimir
The city hotel is located in the center of Aswan, within walking distance of the Nile. The railway station is 2 km away and the airport is 15 km away. This air-conditioned hotel comprises a total of 117 bedrooms spread over 7 floors. It offers you an entrance hall, reception with lifts, currency exchange service and the Nefertary bar. In addition, the hotel has a cafeteria and a restaurant. On the roof you can have some snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. The bedrooms have a bathroom, air conditioning, satellite or cable TV, direct dial telephone, double or king-size bed and balcony or terrace. The hotel has an outdoor pool with sun loungers. A breakfast buffet is offered every morning. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Abazido Nubian House
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Nubian Lotus
16 Reviews
This hotel isn't available

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