
Hotel offers in Giza

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93 accommodations available
Pyramids Sunrise Inn
A 13.80 km from the centre
20 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Premier Pyramids Inn
A 6.72 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Regent Pyramids View
A 7.89 km from the centre
1 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Grand Pyramids Inn
A 7.94 km from the centre
20 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Villa 14 Suites
A 28.00 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Happy View Inn
A 15.41 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available
Anubis Kingdom Hotel
A 7.79 km from the centre
1 Reviews
This hotel isn't available
Swiss Inn Mohandeseen
A 5.05 km from the centre
126 Reviews
This charming hotel is located in Central Cairo. There are a total of 47 rooms available to guests. Pets are not allowed on the premises. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Pyramids Plateau Inn
A 17.55 km from the centre
3 Reviews
With a stay at Pyramids Plateau Inn in Giza (Al-Haram), you'll be just a 3-minute walk from Giza Pyramids and 10 minutes by foot from Giza Sphinx. This guesthouse is 9.1 mi (14.6 km) from Egyptian Museum and 2.6 mi (4.2 km) from Great Pyramid of Giza. With a gym and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace on the roof where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. Other services at this guest house include free wireless Internet access, concierge services, and a television in the common area. You will have a business center, dry cleaning or laundry, and luggage storage available. There is free self car park available. In the restaurant of this guest house you will find fabulous dishes for lunch and dinner. There is also a cafeteria for a quick drink and room service with limited hours. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A free continental breakfast is offered daily. You will feel at home in any of the 8 air-conditioned bedrooms. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. The bathroom has a shower and free toiletries. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Faran Pyramids View Inn
A 17.94 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Faran Pyramids View lnn in Giza, you'll be next to a shopping center (hookup available) and within a 10-minute walk of Sphinx of Giza and Giza Pyramids. This hotel is 6 mi (9.7 km) from Great Pyramid of Giza and 12 mi (19.1 km) from Cairo Opera House. Take advantage of the practical services offered to you, such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection or a picnic area. You will have dry cleaning or laundry and a 24-hour front desk service available. This hotel has a cafeteria for a quick drink, but you can also take advantage of its room service with limited hours. A la carte breakfast is offered daily from 6:00 AM to 10:30 AM for an additional charge. You will feel at home in any of the 5 bedrooms with air conditioning and flat screen TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; You can also watch your favourite program on the TV with satellite channels. Bathroom has a shower/tub combination and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include a safe and an electric kettle, plus a cleaning service is available on request. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Royal Pyramids Hotel
A 8.20 km from the centre
New at Amimir
Located in Giza's Al-Haram neighborhood, Royal Pyramids Hotel is within a 15-minute drive of Giza Pyramids and Giza Sphinx. This hotel is 5.3 mi (8.4 km) from Great Pyramid of Giza and 6.8 mi (10.9 km) from Cairo Opera House. With a wellness center and many other recreational facilities available, you won't have a spare minute. You also have a terrace on the roof where you can sit and contemplate the landscape. Free Wi-Fi Internet access, concierge services, and on-site shops are also offered. You will have dry cleaning or laundry, a 24-hour front desk service, and luggage storage available. A free shuttle service from the airport to the hotel (available 24 hours) is provided. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the room service with limited hours of this hotel. A continental breakfast is offered daily from 7:00 AM to 10:30 AM for an additional charge. You will feel at home in any of the 16 bedrooms with air conditioning and LED TV. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature deep soaking bathtubs and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include a safe, blackout drapes, and a phone. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Pyramids View Studios
A 17.87 km from the centre
New at Amimir
Located in Giza (Al-Haram), Pyramids View Studios is within a 15-minute walk of Sphinx of Giza and Giza Pyramids. This golf bed & breakfast is 3.2 mi (5.1 km) from Great Pyramid of Giza and 12.3 mi (19.7 km) from American University of Cairo. Choose from the many recreational facilities on offer, including a nightclub and rental bikes. You will also find free Wi-Fi Internet connection and concierge services. You will have dry cleaning or laundry, luggage storage and a safe at the reception available. There is free self car park available. Try delicious dishes without leaving this bed and breakfast, which has a restaurant and offers room service during limited hours. A free continental breakfast is offered daily. Book one of the 7 air-conditioned bedrooms equipped with a kitchen. Rooms have a balcony or patio. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection allows you to communicate with your loved ones, and in your spare time you will have a flat-screen TV with cable channels to entertain you.. Conveniences include a safe and a separate seating area, plus housekeeping is available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Sphinx Golden Gate Inn
A 17.60 km from the centre
34 Reviews
With a stay at Sphinx Golden Gate Inn in Giza (Al-Haram), you'll be just a 4-minute walk from Giza Pyramids and 9 minutes by foot from Giza Sphinx. This hotel is 0.8 mi (1.3 km) from Great Pyramid of Giza and 12 mi (19.4 km) from American University of Cairo. With a terrace where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection and concierge services, you will not lack for anything! You will also find a picnic area, a barbecue area and a party room. You will have a business center, dry cleaning or laundry, and a 24-hour front desk service available. For a small fee, you can take advantage of benefits such as a round-holiday airport shuttle (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the room service with limited hours of this hotel. A free continental breakfast is offered daily from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 5 bedrooms with air conditioning, minibar and flat screen TV. Rooms have a balcony or patio. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; you can also watch your favourite program on the TV with cable channels. The bathroom has a shower and free toiletries. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Meritamen Guest House
A 13.17 km from the centre
7 Reviews
With a stay at Meritamen guest house in Giza, you'll be within a 5-minute drive of Giza Pyramids and Giza Sphinx. This guesthouse is 9.3 mi (14.9 km) from Cairo Opera House and 9.5 mi (15.4 km) from Cairo Tower. With a terrace and garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you won't lack for anything! You will have free newspapers in the lobby, dry cleaning or laundry and a 24-hour front desk service available. A free shuttle service from the airport to the hotel (available 24 hours) is provided. Take advantage of the guest house's room service during limited hours. A free breakfast buffet is offered daily from 7:00 to 11:00. You will feel at home in any of the 2 bedrooms with refrigerator. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. The bathroom has a shower and free toiletries. Conveniences include a desk and a separate seating area, plus housekeeping is available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Pyramids Village Inn
A 18.26 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Pyramids Village Inn in Giza, you'll be a 5-minute walk from Giza Pyramids and 8 minutes from Giza Sphinx. This hotel is 3.2 mi (5.2 km) from Great Pyramid of Giza and 12 mi (19.1 km) from American University of Cairo. With a rooftop terrace where you can lounge and amenities like free Wi-Fi Internet connection and concierge services, you won't want for anything! You will have express check-in, dry cleaning or laundry, and a 24-hour front desk service available. For a small fee, you can take advantage of benefits such as a shuttle service from the hotel to the airport (available 24 hours a day) and free self car park. You have a restaurant and a cafeteria available to eat something, but if you prefer, you can call the 24-hour room service of this hotel. What better way to end the day than with a drink in the bar or lounge. A free full breakfast is offered daily from 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM. You will feel at home in any of the 10 bedrooms with air conditioning, minibar and Smart TV. The television with satellite channels and video game console is ideal for entertainment, and thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection you will not lose contact with the rest of the world. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature bidets and hair dryers. Conveniences include tea/coffee maker and free bottle of water, plus housekeeping available daily. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Sunshine Pyramids View Inn
A 18.09 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Sunshine Pyramids View Inn in Giza, you'll be a 4-minute walk from Giza Pyramids and 7 minutes from Giza Sphinx. This bed & breakfast is 0.9 mi (1.4 km) from Great Pyramid of Giza and 12 mi (19.2 km) from American University of Cairo. With a terrace on the roof and a garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you will not lack for anything! You'll also find concierge services, a souvenir shop, and a wedding service. You will have free newspapers in the lobby, dry cleaning or laundry and a 24-hour front desk service available. Airport shuttle service (round holiday) is offered for a fee (available 24 hours). Try delicious dishes without leaving this bed and breakfast, which has a restaurant and offers 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favourite drink at the bar or lounge. A free typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 07:00 to 11:00. You will feel at home in any of the 5 bedrooms with air conditioning and LED TV. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Private bathrooms with showers are stocked with free toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include a safe and free bottle of water, as well as a daily cleaning service. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Horus Guest House
A 18.16 km from the centre
New at Amimir
With a stay at Horus Guest House Pyramids View in Giza, you'll be a 5-minute walk from Giza Pyramids and 8 minutes from Giza Sphinx. This hostel is 12.2 mi (19.7 km) from Egyptian Museum and 0.9 mi (1.5 km) from Great Pyramid of Giza. With a rooftop terrace where you can lounge and amenities like free Wi-Fi Internet connection and concierge services, you won't want for anything! The transportation service (for a fee) will take you to various essential points in the area. You will have dry cleaning or laundry, a 24-hour front desk service, and multilingual staff available. Airport shuttle service (round holiday) is offered for a fee (available 24 hours). This hostel has a cafeteria for a quick drink, but you can also take advantage of its room service during limited hours. Quench your thirst with your favourite drink at the bar or lounge. A free typical regional breakfast is offered daily from 08:00 to 09:00. You will feel at home in any of the 5 bedrooms with air conditioning, minibar and flat screen TV. The free Wi-Fi Internet connection will keep you in touch with your loved ones; you can also watch your favourite program on the TV with cable channels. Private bathrooms with showers have rainfall showerheads and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include a safe and free bottle of water, as well as a daily cleaning service. Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.
This hotel isn't available
Hi Pyramids
A 10.38 km from the centre
New at Amimir
This hotel isn't available

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