Hotel Monasterio de Sant Marçal, a favorite place in Montseny to disconnect between old walls. Inter duo Montis Signa, ad principium fluentis Tordariae (Between two reference mountains on the source of the Tordera River). Among the massifs of les Agudes and Matagalls in Font Bonn - where the Tordera River is born - we find the Sant Marçal monastery, a Romanesque hermitage that has been standing since the time of the reconquest, when the monastery's first founder, The Monk Guifredo founded a small congregation that over time acquired a reputation for holiness and spirituality. Throughout its long history, its walls have been home to Benedictines, sororities, and congregations. Today, it is a beautiful hotel of peace and contemplation in which tenants, besides breathing the fresh and healthy air of Montseny, enter an atmosphere of retreat.
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