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Domaine De Merete

Avenue Jean Prat, 28, 65100, Lourdes
• A 3.5 km from the center of Lourdes
(129 Reviews)

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The surroundings of Domaine De Merete


Church of Saint Bernadette 1.6 km
Massabielle Grotto 1.6 km
Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary 1.7 km
Basilica of St. Pius X 1.9 km
Carrefour City 2.5 km
Lourdes Covered Market 2.6 km
Funiculaire du Pic du Jer 3.6 km

Places of interest

Grottes de Bétharram 9.7 km
Thermes d'Argelès-Gazost 11.9 km
Eagles Donjon 15.4 km
Tarbes Cathedral 17.9 km
Aquensis 18.2 km
Grands Thermes 18.4 km

Nearby airports

Tarbes (XTB-Aerodrome de Tarbes) 16.8 km
Pau (PUF-Pau - Pyrenees) 41.2 km
Mont De Marsan (XMJ) 95.7 km
All distances are calculated in a straight line. Actual travel distances may vary.

About the accommodation

Domaine De Merete The 3 star Domaine De Merete is located in Lourdes. The hotel has availability of parking both inside and outside. Guests can enjoy a meal in the hotel restaurant. Room facilities Domaine De Merete. All rooms have a hair dryer. Smoking is not allowed in the entire hotel. The rooms offer internet access through modem or w fi. Internet through wi fi is also available in the common areas. Leisure information. Availability of leisure facilities in the Domaine De Merete. Availability of an 18-hole golf course. Availability of outdoor pool for guests. Availability of outdoor activities, such as mountain bike routes with our mountain bike rental, fishing and horseback riding. Other information. Availability of transfer service from the hotel. Pets are more than welcome to the hotel. Hotel guests can make use of the concierge service offered. The hotel is adapted for the handicapped and has wheelchair access for the hotel, reception, restaurant, bar and parking spaces for handicapped areas of the hotel.

Some of the services listed may be considered as extras. Please check with the reception desk upon your arrival. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.

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