Aquest hotel, situat to the part est of Rome, a zone ben communicated by l'highway and the meter. At an approximate distance of 35 km hi, the international airport of Fiumicino is 35 km away and that of Ciampino is 20 km away. The public transport stop propera is at a distance of 500 m. Aquest hotel urbà, inaugurat en l'any 2000, disposa d'a total of 86 rooms distributed in 7 floors. L'edifici is air-conditioned and compte amb a entrance hall with elevators and a reception area oberte 24 hours a day. Així mateix, hi has a menjador per esmorzar i a bar perquè pugui prendre begudes i aperitius. You can park the vehicle in the parking lot or in the garatge. The acolidores rooms disposen of system of air condicionat i bany amb dutxa (amb function of massatges) and assecador. Moreover, they are equipped with a direct line, connected to the Internet and televised via satellite or cable. Each matí is li ofereix esmorzar in the form of bufet, perquè pugui serve-the one that vulgui.