The hotel is located at the historic center of Rome, with the purpose of the Sant Joan del Laterà i Cinecittà Basilica. Gràcies als trens urbans and meters that stop 500 and 300 m from the hotel respectively, the clients can easily arrive to the most beautiful and famous streets of Rome. Aquest nou establiment urbà stands out for its innovative architectural lines. The concepte de disseny de l'hotel is a project of creació d'ambients from d'espais buits. The sensorial components, the il·luminació, the colors, the decoration and the sons do not deixaran d'impressionar als visitants. Inspired by the cinema and music, this original hotel represents its clients in an amb room that celebrates the fame of Italian artistes. Aquest establiment air-conditioned compte amb 35 rooms, mobles to measure, terres de parquet, finestrals and attention to detail.