In a spectacular setting 50 meters from the beach, with l'Illa Spargi just in front of the davant, the Coluccia advised to be difficult to be the essence of the arxipèlag of the Maddalena. It is tracta d'un espai enlluernador on regna la llibertat i res està final. The seu disseny innovative s'allunya of the standards of the tourism industry i uneix elements urbans i tradicions de l'illa. Aquest nou concepte de modernitat does not affect the sherry of Sardenya, but rather a touch of glamor to the conservative tradition of l'illa. A romantico sender condueix to the sea through a pine forest that donates to the gespa that hi has fins to first line of platja. The interiors of the 45 rooms combine in an elegant modern and traditional materials that go from the political to the fissures fosques. Some of these rooms have a partial view of the sea, because of the comfort of the sculpted pool, it is the gaudir d'espectaculars that you see in the sea. At the center of bellesa you will be able to enjoy moments of total relaxation and relaxation.