Instal·lacions de l'hotel són capaços d'offer a range of options for each occasion. Totes les nostres salts of meetings are flexible in the seu format and can easily transform a private luxe de luxe into a business meeting in a luxury room. Les nostres habitacions are perfect for lunch, diner, soups, côctels, productions llançaments, reunions, casaments, conferències and banquets. If you are planning a party or a special occasion that has a Dedicated Administrator of Esdeveniments and dedicated staff to make sure that the meeting is unveiled sense problems, professionally the temps. Royal district of London, Kensington and Chelsea is one of the most exclusive residential districts of the city. Here is the Palau de Kensington, former official residence of Diana, Princess of Gal·les. To the zone trobareu molts dels millors commercial districts, with King 's Road, High Street Kensington and Knightsbridge Exclusive, on hi ha els grans magatzems Harrods. També hi has molts museus to discover, with the Museu d'Història Natural, Victòria i Alberto and the Museu de la Ciència. Molt a prop hi Notting Hill, stage of the famous film homónima i seu of the best festival of carrer d'Europa, the Carnival of Notting Hill. The refinat i elegant Blakes, of 5 stars, is troba in a tranquil zone. from South Kensington. It is for the purpose of Harrods, Knightsbridge and the Museum of Natural History and V & A. Moltes of the luxe rooms, with a magnificent ambit of two antiques. The hotel is for the metro stations of South Kensington and Gloucester Road. The Royal Albert Hall is troba at a short distance. The Asian restaurant of Blakes serveix delicious cuisine and presented ben.