Instal·lacions - It could be located in one of the 58 rooms. The facilities included a restaurant, a bar and a conference room. Public areas have Wi-Fi (for an extra charge) at the disposal of the hosts. Informació de la zona can be discovered am bicycles gràcies al servei de lloguer de Bicicletes .. Habitacions - A les habitacions hi ha aire condicionat i un bany. Hi ha bressols per als més petits. The rooms in the rooms included an office, a renter, connected to the Internet and Wi-Fi (per extra càrrec). The cambra de bany tea a dutxa. L'hostal offers family rooms and non smoking rooms .. Sports - L'establiment offers bicycle / bicycle of muntanya (for an extra charge) with the option of relaxation. Copyright GIATA 2004 - 2016. Multilingual. Menjars - It is possible to triumph ..