L'Vittorio Emanuele is an antic hotel, completely restaurat, with 44 rooms. Encara are preserved architectural details originals of principis de segle. L'hotel compta amb modernes tecnologies i habitacions curosament moblades i equipades amb tot tipus of comoditats with accés ràpid the Internet. The upper floor of Gaudeix, at the end of belles vistes, and three conference rooms completely insonoritzades, on can make video conferències and reunions of great nivell gràcies at your service of the internet. These are some of the facilities that can be found at Hotel Vittorio Emanuele. The hotel is located in the heart of the city, on the edge of a shopping and commercial area, with the same historical and artistic attractions as Sàsser. The hotel is ober durant tot l'any, perfecte per a aquells que viatgin per negocis.