![Starry Sky Charming House](https://contenthotels.amimir.com/hotels/it/sardegna_r_215/alghero_c_2907/h_120570/imatges/mini/mini.jpg)
B & b Janas De Mar Els hostes amb entrance to the B & b Janas De Mar to l'Alguer se'ls ensures a warm benvinguda. Outdoor parking available. The hotel disposa d'instal·lacions de restaurant. B & b Janas De Mar. It is permissible to smoke in the hotel (if you indicate that you have reserved the common areas of the hotel). Internet access available to all rooms. Availability of facilities per te i cafè to each room, plus minibar complet. A further information. The hotel offers a transfer to the airport. L'hotel accepts animals from companyia. Availability of concierge service for the hosts.