Aquest hotel is situated in the tranquil eastern Berliner berlin of Kaulsdorf. Ofereix habitacions i apartaments amb internet for free cable i aparcament gratuit. The buses and tramvies stop at 200 meters. The HW Hotel - Haus am Niederfeld is a non-smoking, non-smoking room with cable TV and a seperator. Les habitacions have elegants i càlids colors blaus i motius florals. The restaurant Seidenstrasse serves the European, Asian and Asian cuisine of the Orient Mitjà. The Haus am Niederfeld also competes with a hair saloon bar. Totes les zones of the HW Hotel are lliures of architectonic sweeps and are adapted to the needs of the rhodes of Rhodes. The bus and tram stop of Penkuner Weg allowed a rapid communication with the underground station Elsterwerdaer Platz. From here you can drive a train to Alexanderplatz.