Hotel Sa Cheya Relais Welcome to the 3-star Hotel Sa Cheya Relais in Alghero. The hotel offers parking inside the hotel. Guests can enjoy a meal in the hotel restaurant. Rooms in Hotel Sa Cheya Relais. All rooms have hair dryers. Smoking is allowed in some rooms, and some common areas of the hotel. Please indicate when you make your reservation. The rooms have internet access available. All rooms have minibars. Information of leisure. The Hotel Sa Cheya Relais offers guests a selection of activities and leisure facilities. The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool. Availability of outdoor activities such as mountain bike routes with our mountain bike rental, tennis and horse riding. Other information. The hotel offers an airport shuttle service. Pet owners like these, with good behavior are welcome. Guests of the hotel can make use of the concierge service on offer. The hotel is adapted for the disabled and has wheelchair access for hotel, reception, restaurant, bar and parking spaces for handicapped areas of the hotel.