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Hotel Sergio

Rua Irineu Bornhausen, 449, 88990-000, Praia Grande
• A 508 m from the center of Praia Grande
Very good
(42 Reviews)

Check-in times and other important info

Accommodation facilities/services

Main Areas

24 h reception
Air-conditioning in the main facilities
Smoking Area

Wifi and Internet


Main Hotel Services

Laundry Service
Bicycle Rental
Door man


Lounge with TV

Transfers / Transfer

Shuttle to the airport (check fee)
Transfer to the airport

Ratings about Hotel Sergio

Very good
Based on 42 reviews
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Frequently asked questions about Hotel Sergio

Does the Hotel Sergio have wifi connection?

The Hotel Sergio has Wi-Fi.

Does the Hotel Sergio have a 24h reception?

Yes, Hotel Sergio has a 24-hour reception.

Is there air conditioning in the common areas at Hotel Sergio?

Yes, Hotel Sergio has air conditioning in the common areas.
Hotel Sergio
Customer photos