Kuriat Palace Hotel The 4 star luxurious Kuriat Palace Hotel is located in Monastir. The hotel offers car park inside the hotel. Hotel guests can enjoy a meal at the hotel restaurant. Room facilities Hotel Kuriat Palace. Smoking is allowed in some bedrooms, and some main areas of the hotel. Please indicate this when you make your booking. The bedrooms have internet access available. All bedrooms have a minibar. Leisure information. The Hotel Kuriat Palace offers a selection of activities and leisure facilities. During your stay, relax with a luxurious range of Spa treatments, including beauty, massage and sauna. Both indoor and outdoor pools are available. Availability of outdoor activities such as tennis and sailing. Additional Information. The hotel offers airport shuttle service. The hotel accepts pets. Concierge service available for hotel guests.
Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.