Azureva Argèles-Sur-Mer
Situated near the beach,this holiday rental is within a 5-minute drive of Les Aigles de Valmy and South Beach. This family-friendly resort is 3.5 mi (5.8 km) from Collioure Beach and 4.5 mi (6.2 km) from Parc Luna.
Please note that the reception opening hours are from 08:30h to 12:00h and from 16:00h to 19:30hh. If you are arriving outside these hours it is essential that you contact the accommodation to arrange your check-in.
The hotel has a variety of services to make your stay comfortable: it has a delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner service.
It also has an indoor car park and a swimming pool so you can relax while enjoying the sun.
Its rooms have a fan, free Wi-Fi, and a bathroom with shower so you have everything you need during your stay.
Don't wait any longer to enjoy a unique holiday at the Azureva Argèles-Sur-Mer!