With a stay at Albergue Albas de Logroño, you'll be within a 15-minute walk of Calle del Laurel and Puente de Piedra. This hostel is 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Riojaforum Congress Palace and 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Iglesia de Santa María de Palacio. With a terrace and garden where you can rest and amenities such as free Wi-Fi Internet connection, you will not miss anything! You will have a laundry, coffee or tea in the main areas and a microwave in the common area available. At Albergue Albas you have a restaurant available to eat something. Keep in touch with your loved ones thanks to the free Wi-Fi Internet connection. The bathroom has a shower. Services include a safe and blackout curtains, as well as a daily housekeeping service.
Some of the detailed services may be paid. You can check their rates directly at the establishment. The accommodation can change the way it offers its catering service according to needs. This information is subject to change by the accommodation.